Denise R. Weuve

Ink Damage and Other Permanent Stains

Archive for the tag “Queens University of Charlotte”

An Anniversary of Gratitude

Picture 3Three Years!

I started this site 3 years ago, when I decided it was time to be a writer again.  It was time to flex my poetic muscle, should I have any.  Turns out that is the only place I have muscle.

Around the same time I started this blog, I also began going to open mics, and after about a year of that, I threw my poems to the wolves of publishing.  I have been blessed, finding more Yeses than Nos to my work.  Here is the first poem I had published online, with Eunoia Review, and the most recent, with Poetry Super Highway.

In these three years much has happened, including my first chapbook coming out, The Truck Driver’s Daughter,  from ELJ Publications, I founded an amazing magazine, Wherewithal, and am attending Queens University of Charlotte as a MFA candidate.

Overall, though, I have been grateful for the support that has come my way.  Followers of this website, encouragers of poetry everywhere, and those willing to lend an ear, to what more often than not is a whiny woman looking for unattainable answers to the questions she hasn’t even asked yet.

Thank you all.

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